Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rapture me this

so i went to the college Bible study at Burnt Hickory Baptist tonight with ashley from physics, joel came too. The teacher/pastor guy was pretty cool, he seemed like an awesome dude, but he seemed like two separate awesome dudes... if you know what i mean, he was like a totally different person while he was teaching, than he was before and after. anyway, he talked about the end times and how as christians who can read and have access to the Bible, we have no excuse not to be able to defend what we believe with scripture. he did an overview of his previous two lessons about what Daniel and Jesus had to say about the end times, and then went into Paul's letters. his main focus was on the "tribulation" and the "rapture" neither of which is acutally in the Bible. similar ideas are there, but not the main stream missrepresentations that we are all familiar with. he went on to say that post-trib, pre-trib, mid-trib, is all pointless anyway, becuase we know for sure that we will be taken up to the clouds with Jesus pre-wrath. so we wont have to face the wrath and judgement of God upon the earth. Grace is the reason for this. Amazing Grace. so basically i need to read my Bible more, and I may start driving out into the middle of no where every other week to go to this Bible study.


P.S. in addition to my last post. the main reason I love sunflower seed so much is because i have an oral fixation. I was diagnosed with this my senior year in highschool, but Mrs. Weller, because i was chewing on a pen. i think she was right. basically it means that i like to play with stuff with my mouth and chew on stuff, like pens and pencils. i also bite my nails, and will chew the same piece of gum for many many hours, and can tie a cherry stem in a knot lickety split. so i like the seed cus its a bit of everything, chew a little, flip it around some and split it open, eat a tiny little snack, spit, repeat. good times.


M said...

my goodness, the idea of the rapture/end times used to completely freak me out (especially when i couldn't find my parents and i was like "dangit, i missed it!")... but i'm pretty sure that's because i was taught my whole life the "Left Behind" version of the rapture (the pastor at my old church spent like 1/3 of every year in revelations... and he was not so great at interpretation) i still would love to understand it all or be able to explain the process to someone, i don't think i'll (or anyone really) ever be able to... and i'm pretty sure it's not really that important...
what he said is totally right... and comforting... because of grace we will be spared from the wrath of God... both by being rescued from hell and given grace for the only hell we'll ever know—life on earth. you're right.... amazing grace!
this has made me thing that i should probably stop accusing politicians i don't like of being the antichrist...

Gabriel said...

haha emily, I totally used to get freaked out that way too. Lack of faith and trust that God WILL save and take us to be with Him.

Knifeman! Your P.S is one of the best things i've ever read. i love sunflower seeds, what flavor is your fav?

flavor flav favor flav!

ooohemily said...

i love you.

+ at least your oral fixations are as listed. and NOT dip. cause thats -gross-, and very bad for you.